Monday 10 June 2013

Guatemala! Tikal, Peten, Antigua, San Pedro, Nebaj

I have been thinking that travelling is probably the most emotional thing one can do. All the time there are new impressions, from smells to sights to sounds, everything. It is amazing how much the brain can take in without loosing the plot. And all those lovely people I meet along the way, some I travelled with, others that I just chat to on the bus. The Guatemalans are a friendly folk, again, this has been my experience all along. There are always  rude people, but my memories mostly ignore those ;). And all those emotional moments, like when you take in the view over Lake Atitlan in the sunshine with those beautiful clouds in the back, or the thunder and lightening over the Peten Itza lake sat on a jet, or those beautiful moments when you share the best ice cream in the world. And then there are those goodbyes, they really hurt me every time! I have to think "see you soon" to be able to cope. But it all means that I am meeting great people and I am living my life, so its all positive (don't cry).
I just got to Nebaj today, so I am having to write about my whole Guatemala trip here in this post, impossible! The first place I got to after Copan was Santa Elena at lake Peten Itza. A little shit hole where Jaten and me stayed in an even shittier proper local hotel. It was an experience. But we had a good time with some local girls making Jaten do the sexy dance haha. He looked slightly uncomfortable. The next day we went to Tikal, the biggest Maya ruins after El Mirador I believe. It is a huge compound and it amazes me how on earth they built such grand temples. I stayed in my hammock on the campgrounds of the Tikal ruins, got a good deal bargained out of the official staff. Lots of animal noise there at night. There was one loud sound, like a cry of a mammal. When we went to look, we discovered that it was a frog crying for help because a snake was trying to eat it. I was just thinking the poor frog, it was heartbreaking to watch and hear, and Jaten thought that the snake might also die after eating that frog because honestly, I don't know how that snake would swallow it in the first place. Must have been a young teenager snake, all full of itself and discovering its limits. We rescued them (actually Jaten did, I just watched and gave mental and verbal support of course). Anyway, I don't think this is as interesting as talking about the ruins but those ruins just have to be seen, I don't know how to describe them otherwise. Will add a picture. Then we went to lake Peten Itza again and stayed in El Remate, a beautiful little village. The hostel was right by the lake with its on jet. It was picturesque to watch the evening thunder and lightenings behind those clouds, such a colourful spectacle. A real beauty. El Remate is also the place where I discovered the most amazing ice cream, so big, I can hardly finish it and that says a lot. You can get two large ice cream balls (for example espresso fudge and caramel) and then they put a fat layer of melted chocolate over it with peanuts, I go crazy. I want one now.

Anyway, so then the next stop was Antigua, lots of tourists there but it is a great place, you could stay there easily. Met more lovely as well as crazy people in a good hostel, went out, bought some things on the market, learned how to make wristbands, had good wine, and simply enjoyed this beautiful colonial town. Oh yes, and the cafe "Refugio" made the best coffee I have had. Finally. An oral sensation.

From Antigua we went to Lago Atitlan and stayed in San Pedro to meet up with another friend and celebrate his birthday. Lots of partying and going out in San Pedro, was nice for a change too. But enough now! I stayed in a lovely hostel owned by a Maya family. There are over 20 Maya dialects I think and they sound so different to Spanish, I cannot understand a word they are saying. The place was cheap, about 3 dollars per night for my own room. The kitchen and bathroom facilities were all shared with the family. And I played basketball with the owner and the other local Mayans! Didn't play too well unfortunately, but it was fun. Apparently there are loads of teams around there, even women's teams, maybe I should move there? The hostel was nice and quiet and during the day I would make wristbands (my new obsession, I even did it today in the rocky chicken bus squeezed between Guatemalans who were all watching me), or hang around, or walk through the town, do some bartering, chat to people. One day I went over to Panajachel to a second hand textile market, where they were selling all the typical textile from around the area. Beautiful and colourful. Another day I went to San Marcos, a small hippie village by the lake, bit much for me really with opening the heart shakra dances and stuff, but a beautiful spot! I even jumped off the 7.5m point on the hill there. It was not easy and the fall was slightly uncomfortable, but like Chaz said, just as you are starting to freak out why you are still falling you hit the water. And that was such a relief. When I got out of the (cold!) water, my legs where shaking. But I did it man.

Now I have left both of my new Colorado friends behind and am on the road again. Got to Nebaj today, found a good hostel straight away and decided spontaneously to do a two day hike through the mountains on my own, leaving tomorrow 6am. I will sleep in a mountain village. More about that in the next post!

1 comment:

Evelin said...

Moin Vanessa, es ist immer wieder erfreulich, Deine Reiseberichte zu lesen, teilhaben zu können, wie sehr Du diese Reise genießt!
Gratuliere zur sagenhaften advanced open water certification!!! Deine PADI card ist heute eingetroffen.
Bis bald, ich freue mich schon riesig,